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The List

Matt The List began life as The List in February 2013 when I started to realise just how many exciting places I was ignoring in London.  After trawling through The Nudge, Barchick, Great Little Place and Timeout, the first word document draft was drawn up and printed off, and the maiden voyage to Underdog was planned. It was potentially going to be a collaborative blog, but in the end I took on the responsibility of writing everything up.

Things got a little crazy after that, and I covered over 200 places in the first 200 days.  My little list of quirky bars and eateries has expanded to include breweries, new restaurants, pubs and popups, and a word document just won't cut it anymore!  I now refer more often to Map The List to plan my next adventure, and I rely heavily on a few select websites (and their twitter feeds):

Barchick - check "bar chat" and "latest hangouts"
Hot Dinners - the most essential restaurant website
London Popups - sign up to the newsletter for weekly updates

I don't consider my posts to be reviews, especially as I can't afford to go in to all of these places and sample enough to write a comprehensive "review" that I would be happy with.  Instead, I normally prefer to visit a few places in one outing, and write rambling posts about my trips.  My hope is that readers have been inspired to link a few places together themselves, and have started to make their own (probably shorter) London wishlist.

The blog wouldn't exist without Team List - my friends who accompany me and compete on the Team List Leaderboard.  Anyone can become a member of Team List, but it might take some work to make it into the Top 20!  Don't hesistate to get in touch by leaving a comment here, following me on twitter / instagram (@MattTheList) or sending an email to matt [at] mattthelist [dot] com.

I also put up shorter photo posts on Matt The Tumblr, and you can follow me on Facebook and Zomato if you so wish!

Most of the photos on the website are taken with my Canon 500D with a 50mm f1.8 lens.

About Me:

I am a self-employed musician with a maths degree, and I spend most of my time teaching the violin to one of my 100+ students for a charity at a primary school in South London.  I play regularly for the superb Kensington Symphony Orchestra who can normally be found performing at St. John Smith's Square in Westminster.


  1. Exploring London's hiddеn gеms and culinary dеlights, Matt Thе List has bеcomе a trustеd guidе for thosе sееking uniquе еxpеriеncеs in thе city. With a wеalth of placеs covеrеd, this blog has еvolvеd into a trеasurе trovе of rеcommеndations, from quirky bars to nеw rеstaurants and morе. Whilе not traditional rеviеws, For еxpеrt assistancе in crafting thе bеst financе dissеrtation, bе surе to chеck out thе lеading finance dissertation writing services. Matt's posts offеr captivating insights into his advеnturеs, inspiring rеadеrs to crеatе thеir own London wishlists. Don't miss thе chancе to join Tеam List and discovеr your nеxt unforgеttablе outing!

  2. I'm absolutely inspired by your journey, Matt! Your dedication to exploring and documenting London's hidden gems is commendable. As someone who's also embarking on a new journey to Buy Law Dissertation Services, I can relate to the thrill of starting something new. Can't wait to use your list for my next London adventure! Keep up the great work!

  3. I absolutely love your approach to exploring and sharing your experiences. Just like you, I don't believe in traditional reviews. Instead, I enjoy the journey of discovery, much like when I was searching for the best law essay writing service UK. Your blog inspires me to create my own London wishlist and maybe even join the Team List. Keep up the great work!

  4. As a follower of Matt The List, I'm amazed at the journey it has taken. From a simple word document to a comprehensive guide, it's been a **professional coursework** in discovering London's hidden gems. It's inspiring to see how it has grown, and I can't wait to see where the next adventure leads! Keep up the great work!

  5. Great post, Matt! I always enjoy looking through your archives for fresh ideas. By the way, if anyone's looking for reliable services, a professional medical billing company can really streamline processes and help you focus on what matters most. Keep up the great work!


Seeking out the best places to eat, drink and be merry in London and beyond - follow @MattTheList or sign up for email updates above

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